blooming evergreens for the garden

Add year-round structure and springtime blooms to the garden with evergreen shrubs from £8.99


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Get your garden or allotment ready for spring and summer with our range of new plants, bulbs and seeds

Dianthus Carnation Festival Mix

From £9.99

Jermor Shallot Sets image1
Jermor Shallot Sets


AFAPHBULBMIX-agapanthus blue while summer flowering bulb mix - image1
Agapanthus Mix

From £14.99

SUMRBLBMIX2 - summer flowering mixed bulb collection - image1
100 x Mixed Summer Bulbs


CROCSMIAMIX-mixed montbretia crocosmia summer bulbs - image2
Crocosmia Mixed Summer Bulbs

From £8.99

ORNTELLIYMIX-oriental lily mix lilium summer flowering - image1
Oriental Lily Summer Bulbs

From £12.49

DAHLIAHAPT-dahlia hapet blue eyes summer flowering tuber - image1
Decorative Dahlia Hapet Blue Eyes Tubers

From £8.99

DAHLIASISA-dahlia sisa summer flowering tuber - image1
Decorative Dahlia Sisa Tubers

From £8.99

DAHLIADUET-dahlia duet summer flowering tuber - image1
Decorative Dahlia Duet Tubers

From £8.99

DAHLIADBLJIL-dahlia double jill summer flowering tuber - image1
Decorative Dahlia Double Jill Tubers

From £8.99

bedding plants for spring

seed potatoes

all about carbeth

We are a company with over 19 years experience in horticulture and gift sales. For us our word is our everything, and making sure your loved ones gift is perfect for them is our goal. We pride ourselves on prompt delivery and we have a very particular eye for detail when it comes to styling our plants. Our growing nursery is based in rural Glasgow.

It is vital to us that every living gift that is sent is done so with a personalized touch from our team, our plants are grown by us or sourced from the best growers in the UK and every plant gift that leaves is checked over by the team to make sure it is to the highest standard for your loved ones.