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Anigozanthos - House Plant

  • INDOOR PLANT : These plants do best in a warm indoor environment due to being native to Western Australia. Morning or evening sunlight is best for this plant during the spring and autumn months. Avoid direct sunlight during summer to prevent dehydration. This plant performs best as a houseplant in the UK.
  • FEATURES: This plant has tubular, curved velvety flowers - that look like the paws of a kangaroo.
  • FLOWERING: Flowers late Spring to Autumn.
  • CARE: These plants prefer their soil to have a moderate amount of moisture. With the top half of the soil to be dry between watering.

Choose a decorative pot . . .


  • Eventual Height

    1–1.5 metres

  • Pot Size


  • Season of Interest

    All year round

  • Light Required

    These plants prefer to grow in full sun. At least six hours of direct sunlight on most days will enable kangaroo paw plants to produce the best growth and blooms. They can even tolerate intense light from hot afternoon sun. Insufficient light, on the other hand, can cause tall plants to flop over and lessen bloom production.

  • Watering

    Kangaroo paw plants prefer a moderate amount of soil moisture, though they have some drought tolerance. Soggy soil can cause root rot and kill the plants. So wait until the top couple inches of soil are dry to the touch before watering. However, in the spring and summer when most of the blooming occurs, kangaroo paw does appreciate some additional water.

  • Best Growing Conditions

    These plants thrive in the heat, and frost can be fatal. They like temperatures between roughly 15 to 25 degrees. They also naturally thrive in dry conditions but can tolerate some humidity, too. Kangaroo paw plants aren't heavy feeders, so regular fertilizing isn't necessary. In the spring before the flower stalks appear, add a cup or two of compost to the soil to promote healthy growth.

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