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Cheese plant wrapped in a Hessian bag - Gift card included

  • GIFT WRAPPED PLANT - Wonderful Swiss Cheese Plant, comes wrapped in a Hessian bag, ideal for gift giving.
  • PERSONALISED MESSAGE - Send us your personalised message and we will add it to your gift card.
  • FEATURE PLANT - Monstera needs lots of space: Put it in a statement-making spot in the living room, rather than in a tight corner or on a windowsill.
  • EASY TO GROW - Monstera Deliciosa is one of the easiest houseplants to grow making it perfect for beginners.
  • FUNKY FOLIAGE - Monsteras are famous for their natural leaf-holes, and has led to the rise of its nickname, Swiss Cheese Plant. look in your home.

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2 6% £18.79
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Choose a decorative pot . . .


  • Eventual Height

    Monstera can grow up to 2.5 m in the right conditions.

  • Pot Size


  • Season of Interest

    All year round.

  • Light Required

    A monstera cheese does not need a lot of light. So it will handle many types of light conditions but the only one not to place it in, is direct bright sunlight constantly. As the Swiss Cheese Plant is one which originates from the rainforest and usually lies on the bottom of the forest. It doesn’t need a great deal of light to thrive.

  • Watering

    Water the Swiss cheese plant when the top inch or so of compost has become dry and be sure to let the water drain away afterwards. Wipe the leaves occasionally to keep them dust free and shiny. Feed once a month in spring and summer.

  • Best Growing Conditions

    In cooler climates, grow in a warm greenhouse or as houseplant (minimum 10-15ºC) in a draught-free position, in moist but well-drained, loam-based potting compost, in bright indirect light with moderate to high humidity; sponge the leaves to keep them free of dust and dirt, and water freely and apply a balanced liquid fertilizer once a month in the growing season, but water sparingly in winter; it can use its aerial roots to climb if given support, for example on a moss-covered pole; in warmer climates, grow outdoors in moderately fertile, humus-rich, moist but well-drained soil in partial shade.

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