Pony Tails Grass (1 Plant)
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Decorative Stipa Feather Grass for The Garden
- One of the most beautiful, low ornamental grasses with a very original habit, which shows a different face of its beauty with every gust of wind.
- Pony Tail" Picturesque ornamental grass with very thin leaves and loose, airy inflorescence panicles.
- 1 Strong Plant In 10.5cm Pots - Ready To Be Planted.
Eventual Height
Can grow up to 1 m in the right conditions.
Pot Size
10.5 cm
Season of Interest
Light Required
Full sun
Ligth watering
Best Growing Conditions
This non frost hardy plant (5C) grows in medium to light, moderately fertile soil in full sun. Propagate by seed sown in pots in a cold frame in spring or by division in spring. Leaves can be cut back when they die off; rather than doing this in late autumn it's best to wait until early spring. Time to ultimate height 2 to 5 years.