Salix Hakuro Nishiki 14cm
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Flamingo Tree in a 14cm Pot
- Flamingo Salix are an extremely popular plant, with spectacular deep pink foliage covering the entire shrub in Spring.
- Elegant and fast-growing with new shoots which are heavily blotched with white and pink, fading as the leaf ages, this is fully hardy and very easy to grow.
- Slender yellow catkins appear in spring before the leaves, these retain a strong pink colour throughout the growing season.
- The branches are long and slightly droop, giving a relaxed feel making it an ideal for growing planted in a pot on the patio or in garden beds and borders.
Eventual Height
Grow to between 100 and 150 cm in height.
Pot Size
14 cm
Season of Interest
Spring and Summer
Light Required
Full sun to partial shade.
Water regularly
Best Growing Conditions
They grow full sun or partial shade, with the best leaf colours occurring in full sun. Their natural habitat is often near rivers and streams. They need a moist soil which is also free-draining. They grow well in acidic, neutral and alkaline soils.