Salvia – ‘Hot Lips’
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Sage hardy perennial plant
- Hot Lips has large, open-mouthed white and red blooms throughout summer, on compact scented, bushy plants.
- Sometimes in hot weather some blooms may be fully red or white. It is perfect for planting near a bench or path, where you can enjoy its pretty blooms and fragrant foliage.
- Perennial sages are worth their weight in gold in ornamental borders, thanks to their summer-long displays of spiky, nectar-rich flowers perfect for the bee.
- It has a long flowering season that continues until the first frost and it is drought tolerant.
Eventual Height
Can grow up to 1 m in the right conditions.
Pot Size
9 cm
Season of Interest
Summer - Autumn
Light Required
Full sun
Light watering
Best Growing Conditions
It likes moist but well-drained soil and a sheltered position. Preferring full sun, it will tolerate partial shade. Propagate by basal cuttings or softwood cuttings in spring or early summer or semi-hardwood cuttings in late summer or autumn with bottom heat. Pruning in spring, deadhead to prolong flowering. Time to ultimate height 2 to 5 years.