Spathiphyllum Peace Lily
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In a 9cm Pot - Ideal for The Home or Office
- Peace lilies make excellent houseplants for the home or office. These lovely plants not only brighten up a living space, but are also excellent at cleaning the air of the room they are in.
- These plants can sit happily in a variety of light conditions - so can be placed almost anywhere. Though you should avoid harsh direct light in the Summer.
- This plant will arrive in a 9cm pot. Ideal for an indoor plant beginner. DECORATIVE POTS FEATURED IN PICTURES NOT INCLUDED.
Eventual Height
Can grow up to 1 m in the right conditions.
Pot Size
9 cm
Season of Interest
All year round
Light Required
In all light conditions - but avoid harsh light in Summer.
The best way to water a peace lily is to set the plant in the sink. Pour water slowly onto the soil until liquid drips through the bottom of the pot. Let the plant drain thoroughly, then return it to its drainage saucer. Too little water is always preferable to too much water.
Best Growing Conditions
The best bet is to provide it with very consistent ideal conditions, especially when it comes to humidity, diffused light, and consistent fertiliser.