Eryngium Neptunes Gold


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Rare Sea Holly Herbaceous Plant

  • Eryngium have thistle-like flowers, made up of tiny bright blue flowers packed together in a cluster, surrounded by a ruff of spiny bracts. They flower during the Summer months of July to August. The flowerheads last well when cut and can also be dried to be used in floral arrangements.
  • This unique specimen still retains the stunning blue flower tones of Eryngium, with the spiky bracts being silvery blue at the base, turning gold at the tip but its foliage retains its golden sheen - like Neptune’s crown.
  • These plants grow well in a variety of soils from dry, clay, sandy to well draining and prefer to be growing in full sunlight. Eryngium copes well in exposed and sheltered areas of the garden making them ideal for planting coastal gardens, hence they are commonly known as Sea Holly.

  • Eventual Height

    Can grow up to 80 cm in the right conditions.

  • Pot Size

    9 cm

  • Season of Interest

    Flowering: summer

  • Light Required

    Full sun

  • Watering

    Light watering

  • Best Growing Conditions

    This frost hardy plant (down to -15C) thrives in dry, well-drained soil that is poor to moderately fertile. Full sun is essential as is protection from winter wet.

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